doctors and nurses in a hospital

Medical Terminology in Nursing: How to Use Medical Terminology to Connect to Your Patients

crop black doctor checking up of patient

If you are a nurse, or thinking about a career in nursing, you want to do what is best for your patients. However, we also need to learn MCQs that don’t include clinical terms to pass the nursing board exam. By learning medical terminology, and a broad scope of knowledge, you can be better prepared for your future and your patients.

This article will show you the benefits of knowing medical vocabulary to be a better nurse.

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1. The Benefits of Learning Medical Terminology

Knowing medical terms helps you communicate with your patients and better explain why they feel sick or in pain. When you understand medical terminology, you can better explain to your patients what is happening to them and not just tell them that they have a cough or pain. You can apply medical terms even in social situations like when you go out to eat or where you live.

woman throwing confetti

2. Becoming a Better Nurse Means Being Able to Pass the Licensing Exam

You may be a great nurse, but if you can’t pass the licensing exam, you won’t be able to practice. Learning medical terminology helps nurses better analyze the patients and their medical history. This is an important part of the test that may help you pass or fail based on the quality of your analysis. Knowing medical terms will also help you to understand your own body better. This way, when a doctor asks you about the symptoms, you know what they are asking.

doctor showing diagnosis to pensive black female patient in clinic

3. Medical Terminology Helps Nurses Read Between the Lines and Understand Clinical Situations Unique to Specific Patients

Reading between the lines is essential to being a good nurse, and by knowing medical terminology, you will be able to read and understand what the doctor is trying to tell you. You will also be able to understand the clinical situations of your patients better. This way, even if you are not in the room with them, you can still make assessments regarding their current diet, medications, and exercise.

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4. Medical Vocabulary is Important to Do Your Job Well

Knowing medical terms is only half of the job of a nurse. As a nurse, you are an important member of the team that provides care for your patients. Being able to understand medical terminology so that you can serve your patients correctly is essential for you to be able to provide them with excellent care. You also need to take the information and make it mean something to your patient.

people on a video call


For more and better care, nurses need to know medical terminology. It should be a fundamental part of their education. Knowledge is power for both nurses and patients when it comes to medical terminology – with the patient’s understanding of their condition being key in recovery, and nurses’ knowledge of clinical situations being vital for a practical health care experience. To learn the fundamentals of basic medical terminology, enroll in the course entitled, “How to Use Medical Terminology (in 5 EASY Steps!) (and USE IT in EVERYDAY Living!)” offered by Avidity Medical Design Academy.

To purchase scented soaps and candles inspired by healthy living, visit Avidity Medical Scentations.

For more health care tips and information, follow the Avidity Medical Design Blog today.

Importance of knowing medical terminology - Doctor assessing a patient during a checkup.

5 Ways to Empower Yourself as a Patient By Learning Medical Terminology

If you’re about to have an appointment with your doctor, you should know that it doesn’t matter whether it’s your first or your fiftieth time seeing them—you are still the most critical person in the room. Knowing medical terminology gives you the power to understand better what’s happening during your appointment and to get the treatment you need. 

These are five ways knowing medical terminology can empower patients, so read on to learn more!

dentist having a discussion with a patient

1) Speak Up at Your Next Doctor’s Appointment

When you know the medical terms for what’s going on with your body, you can more accurately describe your symptoms to your doctor. If you’re ever in the hospital, you’ll be able to understand what the medical professionals are saying about your care. By understanding your test results and diagnosis, you can take a more active role in your healthcare.

hand of a person using a calculator

2) Decipher Your Bills

When you get a medical bill, it can be challenging to decipher. However, if you know some medical terminology, you can often figure out the charges. This can help you budget for future appointments and get the necessary care. 

There’s also a chance that you might come across something fraudulent or erroneous in your billing. Knowing the language of healthcare will also allow you to do your research on treatments. This, in turn, may save time and money in terms of being an informed consumer.

3) Do Your Research

With so much information available online, patients are increasingly taking control of their health. But with all the medical jargon, it can be tough to know where to start. This is where understanding medical terminology comes in handy. By understanding the language of medicine, you can more easily find the answers you’re looking for. This information is also helpful when doing research on your own or when talking to a doctor.

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4) Educate Yourself About Illnesses

No one wants to be sick, but unfortunately, it’s a part of life. Learning about illnesses can help you better understand your health and the health of your loved ones. By understanding medical terminology, you can better understand doctors’ orders, medications and treatments, diagnoses and prognoses, and what your insurance will cover. 

It is also an empowering way to speak with healthcare providers on the phone or in person. If you can discuss with them what is going on with your body in their language, they will feel more confident that they know how best to treat you.

5) Use Words to Understand Procedures

If you don’t know the medical terms used to describe a procedure, it can be difficult to understand what is happening. However, understanding medical terminology can help you feel more comfortable with procedures and make it easier to ask questions. Using words to understand procedures when conversing with your doctor or provider may initially seem intimidating. 

Still, you will be surprised by how much of this language will come naturally when you begin looking up new words. If you remember these words, you’ll be able to take charge of your health care, understand your treatment plan, and even ask better questions about how you’re being diagnosed, so that every part of your care is tailored to your needs.

In Summary

If you’re ready to take charge of your healthcare and empower yourself with knowledge, enroll in a course offered by Avidity Medical Design Academy. You’ll learn the medical terminology to communicate effectively with your care team, understand your medical bills, and how to do your research. And while you’re at it, why not stock up on some scented soaps and candles from our online store? Visit Avidity Medical Scentations for more information on our scented soaps and candles. They make great gifts for the patient in your life!

Check out our website or contact us for more information about our training programs. We look forward to hearing from you!

A concept of medical bills - calculator and pen on top of medical bills computation.

10 Things You Can Do to Get Help Paying Your Medical Bills (When You Have No Insurance)

A concept of medical bills - calculator and pen on top of medical bills computation.

We typically view medical debt as a personal failing, making people feel embarrassed. A lack of insurance often causes unpaid medical bills. In the United States, about 31.2 million people under 65 are uninsured.

If you can’t pay your medical bills, try these tips for lowering your debt:

Getting Medical Bills Assistance When You are Uninsured

1. Check Your Bills for Errors

Even in medical bills, mistakes happen. According to Resolve, up to 80% of medical bills contain errors. Look for inaccuracies on your medical invoices and healthcare costs line by line. They may charge you for services you never got.

2. Make a Discount Request

Another method for lowering medical costs is to negotiate a reduced charge. You can ask to have some expenses waived or deleted from your bill. While there is no assurance that this will lower your medical bills.


3. Set up a Payment Plan

Sometimes you have to receive the medical care you require first and then worry about how to pay for it later. Inquire about payment programs with the hospital’s billing department.

4. Find Out How Much Specific Procedures Cost

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, call local hospitals or clinics and ask to speak with the invoicing department. Then ask about the cost of the medical services you’re interested in.

5. Talk to Your Doctor About Your Financial Difficulties

If you’re not sure if you’ll be able to afford treatment, ask your doctor how much it will cost and whether there will be any room for accommodation.

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6. Only Use the Emergency Room in an Emergency

Urgent care clinics are often less expensive than emergency rooms. Find out in advance which urgent care clinics in your area are part of your insurance company’s network.

7. Seek Outside Assistance

Get the assistance of a debt negotiator, medical caseworker, or medical billing advocate. When you can’t or are too afraid to try, these professionals may help you lower your debt.

8. Explore Prescription Drug Discounts

Even if you have prescription drug coverage through your job, Medicare, or Medicaid, the cost of drugs can quickly pile up if you use several. Request the generic form of a prescription medicine whenever possible.

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9. Select In-Network Doctors and Providers

Your provider network has negotiated special prices with your insurance carrier if you have health insurance. When you get treatment from that network members, you’ll pay less.  

people on a video call

10. Use Telemedicine

Thanks to digital technology, you may now get a low-cost medical consultation whenever you want, no matter where you are. Customers are increasingly using telemedicine to save money on healthcare.

Medical bills can be a burden that leaves you feeling upset and helpless. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Follow the Avidity Medical Design Blog for more informative articles on healthcare.

Purchase scented candles and soaps through Avidity Medical Scentations. If you are interested in learning more about healthcare topics, enroll in a course offered by Avidity Medical Design Academy.

Shot of two people holding hands in comfort - concept of suicide risk screening.

What You Need to Know About Suicide Risk Screening and How to Know if You are at Risk

Shot of two people holding hands in comfort - concept of suicide risk screening.

Suicide is a significant public health problem that leaves a lasting effect on your loved ones. In fact, it is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States generally and the 2nd leading cause of death in people aged 10 to 34. Here’s where the importance of suicide risk screening comes in.

Suicide Risk Screening

Suicide risk screening is a process that estimates the probability of someone attempting suicide or dying by committing suicide. It is also one of the most effective ways to prevent suicide, especially in children and adolescents.

How to Determine if You Need Suicide Risk Screening

You need a suicide risk assessment if you have the following:

  • A history of attempted suicide.
  • Family history of suicide attempts.
  • You suffer from depression.
  • You have been through family violence.
  • You have been in prison recently.
  • You experience chronic pain.
  • Your family has a history of depression as well as other mental illnesses.
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Photo by Pixabay on

How to Determine if You or Someone in Your Family is at Risk of Committing Suicide

When someone intends to commit suicide, you may notice a behavior change. Additionally, some of the red flags to watch out for are:

  • They keep talking about wanting to die.
  • They are anxious, agitated, and feel useless.
  • They become socially withdrawn and showing mood swings.
  • Their behavior suddenly becomes recklessness and impulsive behavior.
  • They abuse alcohol or drugs.
  • They give away their prized possessions.
black man explaining problem to female psychologist

When to Seek the Advice of a Medical Professional or Trained Counselor

Every now and then, you may have depression. It’s vital to seek the help of a medical professional or a trained counselor if;

  • You have had symptoms for over two weeks.
  • Your symptoms are interfering with your ability to function at work and your social life.
  • You are contemplating suicide.

Final Thought

Follow our blog for more informative articles on healthcare and healthcare-related topics. Visit Avidity Medical Design Academy to enroll in one or more healthcare courses on a variety of topics. Visit Avidity Medical Scentations to purchase scented candles and soaps with a healthcare theme.

Woman putting different medical items in her home's medical emergency kit.

How to Prepare for Medical Emergencies: 10 Things You Should Have in Your Medical Emergency Kit

Woman putting different medical items in her home's medical emergency kit.

Having a medical emergency kit is one of the things you at no time think you require until you do. They are essential for short-term survival providing core items to protect you from unforeseen events. Regarding any potential issue that may indicate a possible medical emergency seek a doctor’s advice. 

Types of Medical Emergency Kits

  •  First-aid kits
  •  Emergency kits
  •  Bleeding control kits
  •  Biohazard kits
  •  Hygiene kits
  •  Workplace first aid kits
  •  Burn kits

DIY Personal Medical Kit

Customizing your medical kit to meet your needs. Choose the type of kit you need, and the products you need to include in your kit. The kit should also be stored in a waterproof storage container, kept in an accessible place, checked, and resupplied every few months. 

Your emergency kit should have items for your essential needs in the event of a natural disaster or an emergency event. A doctor’s or a clinic’s phone number should also be part of the essentials. Some of the vital components you should have in your medical emergency kits are:

  •  Storage container
  •  Wound dressings and closure (roller gauze, medical tape, triangular bandage, gauze pads)
  •  Specialty equipment (for instance, an epi-pen)
  •  Topical cleansers and treatments
  •  Personal protective equipment (gloves, eye protection, and masks)
  •  Trauma care equipment (CPR pocket masks, trauma shears)

Before creating your medical kit, consider taking a healthcare course to familiarize yourself with the healthcare field. Avidity Medical Design Academy offers a variety of courses in different areas of healthcare. The next step is to determine the type of kit you need, based on your lifestyle or your family’s lifestyle. List the contents of your kit, how many kits you will need, and add items to each kit periodically.

first aid and surival kits
Photo by Roger Brown on

Importance and Benefits of Having a Medical Emergency Kit

  •  Having an emergency kit can be invaluable when you need professional medical help, or your life is in danger and you are waiting for an ambulance to arrive. For example, you may not be able to suture a wound, but you can slow down the bleeding for as long as you can until help arrives.
  •  Owning an emergency kit also ensures you are ready for any unforeseen medical events, especially for if you have a pre-existing illness.
  •  Creating your medical emergency kit offers you and your family peace of mind.
  •  Emergency medical kits are essential for fighting off stress as well as reducing the fear of the unknown. 
  • Creating a medical emergency kit also helps lessen the worrying part by helping you anticipate potential medical emergencies ahead of time. 

Circumstances That Necessitate Having a Medical Emergency Kit Around

Owning a medical emergency kit is imperative in preparing as well as protecting your household from unforeseen events. Some of the unexpected events that may necessitate having a medical emergency kit include:

  •  Car accidents.
  •  Allergies.
  •  Asthma attacks.
  •  Minor injuries.
  •  1st and 2nd-degree burns.
  •  Life-threatening medical conditions like diabetes.
  •  Insect stings.

To learn more about the medical field, visit Avidity Medical Design Academy and enroll in one of our many healthcare course offerings. For more informative healthcare articles, follow the Avidity Medical Design Blog. To purchase scented soaps and candles with a healthcare theme, visit Avidity Medical Scentations.

Group of diverse individuals exercising in a park - managing vital signs for healthier lifestyle.

Blood Pressure, Pulse, Temperature, and Respiratory Readings: What Do Your Vital Signs Say About Your Health?

Group of diverse individuals exercising in a park - managing vital signs for healthier lifestyle.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “vital signs,” but you may not know how truly important they are. Vital signs are an objective and helpful way to get a quick snapshot of someone’s health — including your own. For vital signs to be useful, however, you first have to understand what they are and why they’re important. 

What are Vital Signs? 

Vital signs are an objective measurement of all the critical physiological functions of a person’s body. In healthcare, vital signs are the essential first step in evaluating someone’s health status. Whether in a doctor’s office for a routine check-up or in the emergency room preparing for surgery, healthcare professionals will take a person’s vital signs before providing care. Why? Because vital signs, though simple, offer a plethora of information about a person and help direct the care professionals provide. 

Vital signs consist of four basic pieces of information: 

  • Temperature
  • Blood Pressure
  • Pulse (Heart Rate)
  • Respiratory Rate (Breathing Rate)

The information gathered from these four items can indicate a person’s health status by whether or not the numbers are within normal limits. 

Temperature: Normal Range 97.7 to 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit

A person’s temperature is typically taken with a thermometer by mouth, ear, or forehead. The normal temperature range is 97.7 to 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, a temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit may indicate a fever from an infection or dehydration. On the other hand, a low temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit may show that the person has been exposed to cold for too long or has an underactive thyroid. 

Blood Pressure: Normal Number 120/80 mmHg

a healthcare worker measuring a patient s blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer

Blood pressure measures the force of blood against the walls of arteries as the heart pumps out blood and is obtained using a blood pressure device. The numbers on a blood pressure reading consist of two numbers, with one number (systolic) over another (diastolic).

Although “normal” blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg or lower, most people fall within a range of that number. Because blood pressure readings measure the force of blood pumped by the heart, it says a lot about the condition of a person’s heart and cardiovascular system. A person with repeated high blood pressure readings of 140/90 mmHg, for example, may have heart disease. In contrast, a person with a very low blood pressure reading of less than 90/60 mmHg may be suffering from heart failure or heatstroke. 

Pulse: Normal Range 60 to 100 beats per minute

person holding blue pulse oximeter

Typically taken while a person is resting, a normal range for a person’s pulse — also known as heart rate — has a wide span of 40 beats per minute because a normal pulse may vary from person to person.

A person’s pulse fluctuates depending on their emotions, illness, injury, or even how often they exercise. An athlete, for example, may have a normal pulse of about 55 or lower due to their healthy heart. A non-athlete with a slow pulse of 55, however, may have a heart problem. Conversely, someone who has a fever, heart issues, or experiencing severe pain may experience a fast heart rate of 130 beats per minute. 

Respiratory Rate: 12 to 20 breaths per minute

Being able to breathe well is essential for life. Your breathing is one of the primary indicators of good health. A normal range for respiratory rate, also known as breathing rate, is 12 to 20 breaths per minute. For example, a low respiratory rate of 9 may indicate a drug overdose or carbon monoxide poisoning. A high respiratory rate of 24, however, may be a sign of a lung condition or pneumonia. 

Vital Signs: Knowledge is Power

When it comes to your vital signs, knowledge is power. Taking your vital signs and knowing what the numbers mean can help guide you to make healthy decisions about your habits and lifestyle. Your vital signs show you whether you’re on the right path and what you need to address to make improvements.

Interested in learning more about vital signs? Take a look at the health courses offered by Avidity Medical Design Academy or follow the Avidity Medical Design Blog. You can also visit us on Facebook or Twitter for more information on healthcare.

Interested in a  little self-care? Purchase scented candles and soaps through Avidity Medical SCENTations to pamper your skin and rejuvenate your mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional health.

Man experiencing knee pain while working out - a concept of common workout injuries.

Healthcare Physical Fitness: How to Avoid Hurting Yourself When You Exercise

Man experiencing knee pain while working out - a concept of common workout injuries.

Working out is an excellent way to maintain your health. It keeps one intellectually and emotionally balanced as well as physically fit. There are numerous ways to exercise, depending on one’s physical needs and comfort level; nonetheless, regardless of the type of exercise chosen, it is critical to take specific precautions to avoid workout injuries. Here are 10 common workout injuries and how to treat the injury.

Common Workout Injuries

When people exercise, they injure themselves in a variety of ways. Among the most common workout injuries are:

1. Shoulder Injury

The most prevalent cause of shoulder injury happens when performing shoulder-related activities too frequently without allowing the muscles and tendons to rest in between workouts. Working out hard can cause inflammation and injury to the rotator cuff.

Treatment for shoulder injuries differs depending on the severity and extent of the damage. Anti-inflammatory medication, injections, or physical therapy may treat smaller tears. However, surgery can usually treat total rotator cuff tears.

close up photo of a person having a back pain

2. Muscle Pull and Strain

You will experience a muscle pull when your muscles become exhausted, overused, or used in the wrong way. Strains can affect any muscle, but the lower back, neck, shoulder, and hamstring are prevalent. Treatment of muscle pull and strain involves the use of ice, anti-inflammatory medication, and ice cubes to relieve mild to moderate pain. While severe pain will require medical treatment.

a person holding his wrist
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on

3. Wrist Sprain or Dislocation

A wrist sprain is an injury to the ligament, while a wrist dislocation means the bones have been misaligned. Minor injuries can lead to chronic pain and suffering if not properly cared for and treated. Mild dislocation can be treated through reduction, while a severe case of wrist dislocation calls for surgery.

4. Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis is one of the most common workout injuries that can occur to runners who increase the intensity of their running and end up injuring the Achilles tendon. The most common symptoms are heel discomfort and soreness. Rest and pain relievers are frequently used in conjunction with at-home treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

a person touching his ankle

5. Sprained Ankle

When working out, you might twist, roll or even turn the ankle in an unusual way, causing a sprained ankle.  As a result, the ligaments that maintain the ankle bones together might be stretched or torn. The degree of a sprained ankle determines the course of treatment. Self-care and over-the-counter pain relievers may help. However, you may need a medical examination to assess how seriously you’ve sprained your ankle and the recommended treatment.

6. Knee Injuries

Sprains and tears of soft tissues (e.g., ligaments, meniscus), fractures, and dislocations are the most common knee injuries. In many cases, injuries to the knee involve more than one structure. When you do strenuous workouts, you may end up getting a knee injury. The most frequent symptoms of a knee injury are pain and swelling. Furthermore, the knee can catch or lock.

7. Shin splint

Pain along the shin bone (tibia), the big bone in the front of your lower leg, is referred to as “shin splints.” Runners, dancers, and military recruits are all susceptible to shin splints. Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, are common among athletes who have recently increased or altered their training routines. Muscles, tendons, and bone tissue can become overworked as a result of increased activity.

You can treat shin splints with rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers, and then you can resume your normal activities. In case of severe and persistent shin splint pain, visit your doctor right away to check for additional problems including a tibia stress fracture.

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8. Hamstring Strain

A hamstring strain, often known as a strained hamstring, occurs when one or more leg muscles are overstretched and begin to tear. Hamstring strains can be minor, resulting in little pain and a quick recovery. They can sometimes be severe, necessitating surgery and weeks of crutches.

A hamstring strain is most commonly caused by muscle overload, such as when you’re jogging and your leg is completely extended immediately before your foot hits the ground. When your foot hits the ground and you put all of your weight on it, the muscles might become overstretched and tear.

9. Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition that affects runners. It is an inflammation of the bottom of the feet. A sharp, tight painful sensation at the base of the heel, similar to stepping on a nail, is a common characteristic of this condition. Overtraining, overuse, or the incorrect choice of footwear can cause this workout injury. Nevertheless, relief can be obtained by rolling the foot on a golf ball, cooling the painful area, and extending and strengthening the calf muscles.

10. Foot Numbness

Nerves in the torso, spine, legs, hips, feet, and ankles can become compressed, causing numbness in the feet and legs. To reduce numbness in the foot, you can perform the following therapies to reduce the symptoms: massage, mindful meditation, taking vitamin B supplements, and acupuncture. In addition, you can treat long-term foot numbness using antidepressants, corticosteroids and Gabapentin, and pregabalin.

To learn more about healthcare, enroll in one of our healthcare courses. Visit Avidity Medical Design Academy to learn more about our current course offerings. To purchase scented candles and soaps with a healthcare theme, visit Avidity Medical Scentations.

Man driving with a mobile phone beside him showing a digital map - using Uber Health application for patient transportation.

Welcome to Uber Health: How Uber is Being Used in Healthcare Transportation

Man driving with a mobile phone beside him showing a digital map - using Uber Health application for patient transportation.

Access to transportation is a prerequisite for access to universal healthcare. A recent study in the United States shows that approximately 3.6 million Americans miss or delay attending their medical appointments. Most of the patients who miss out on their consultations are from the lower cadre of society. Some, like the elderly, are vulnerable and can barely afford the taxi system, which is often expensive. In 2018, Uber launched a program known as Uber Health in partnership with other hospitals and healthcare systems like Maryland-based MedStar Health.

Since then, several hospitals and health systems have adopted this program to help transport their patients. Lyft has also launched a similar program to help transport patients.

person driving car

How Does Uber Health Work?

This program offers a wide range of services for you as a patient or a healthcare provider. However, it specializes in transporting patients from their homes to the healthcare facilities for medical appointments, including medical evacuation.

So how does this work? If you are a patient and have an appointment with your doctor, Uber Health is instrumental. You don’t have to worry if you do not have a smartphone since your healthcare provider will be responsible for booking the ride. And if you don’t have a mobile phone, there is an option for landline rides. Uber will send your ride information via an automatic message on your landline. You will not be booked for transportation as a patient, but, rather, your medical provider will pay for the ride. In some instances, insurance defrays the bill.

person holding smartphone

How to Book Rides for Patients

As a healthcare provider, it’s important to note that you can book rides for your patients a few hours until the appointment or days in advance. There are two types of rides that you can make for your patients: scheduled rides and designated pickups. In the case of planned rides, they are flexible, and you can set them up immediately or for up to 30 days, allowing patients to confirm when they are ready. On the other hand, facilities with big campuses are advised to use designated pickup locations set within the platform. After booking, both your patient and the driver will receive a detailed brief sent to them regarding the pickup location.

Why it is Important to Understand Uber Health

Understanding how to use Uber Health is essential to both patients and the healthcare providers in the following ways:

  1. Uber Health is accessible to patients who do not have a smartphone. Your healthcare provider is responsible for booking your ride to and from the hospital, and a text message bearing the details of the ride is sent to your phone.
  2. Uber Health helps healthcare organizations keep track of spending. This is because the billing statements are readily available and easy to interpret. This reduces the likelihood of losing money, even thousands of dollars.

Final Thoughts

The Uber Health program will revolutionize the transportation of patients unprecedentedly, leading to a reduction in the cases of missed appointments that is costing healthcare providers billions of dollars annually.

For more healthcare information, check out Avidity Medical Design Blog or enroll for a course at Avidity Medical Design Academy. To purchase scented soaps and candles, visit Avidity Medical Scentations.

Woman with long hair touching the ends of her unhealthy hair - showing common hair problems such as split ends and brittleness.

Your Hair and Your Health Care: 10 Hair Problems You May Have, and What They May Be Telling You About Your Health

Woman with long hair touching the ends of her unhealthy hair - showing common hair problems such as split ends and brittleness.

Everyone wants a full, beautiful, healthy head of hair. Most people think of hair problems as cosmetic issues and rely on beauty products for solutions. However, just like healthy skin and healthy teeth, healthy hair is more than a sign of cosmetic beauty, and issues with hair health affect more than just the way you look. 

Hair Products Can Mask Underlying Issues

Common hair problems can include dandruff, dullness, brittleness, and split ends. Most of us head to the salon for a trim to get rid of those unsightly split ends. For most other hair concerns, we hit the beauty aisle for spendy hair products that promise to strengthen, fortify, and hydrate hair, add shine, or eliminate dandruff. While these products can make your hair look healthier, the real causes of hair problems can indicate underlying health issues. Addressing these root causes will improve your overall health, which means healthier hair.

10 Hair Problems and What They’re Telling You

1. Split Ends

When we notice split ends, we assume it’s just time for a haircut. Most of us just clip them off and never think about why they occur. Split ends indicate dehydration. If you have lots of split ends on a regular basis, drink more water and avoid things that exacerbate dehydration, like coffee and alcohol. You can prevent and easily treat these hair problems. Following these tips can help reduce them. 

  • Turn down the heat: washing your hair with scalding hot water damages the follicles.
  • Check the ingredients: avoid using harsh shampoos with harmful sulfates, parabens, and even formaldehyde.
  • Protect your hair before styling: avoid prolonged use of heated styling tools at high temperatures. Reducing the temperature should also create less frizz. 

2. Premature Graying Hairs

Going gray prematurely happens to both men and women. While graying hair is rarely associated with a health problem, it is rarely a source of joy for people in their early 20s. In some cases, premature graying can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12. Pituitary or thyroid gland problems can also cause premature graying. Graying hair can be reversible in some cases once the vitamin deficiency or other problem is treated. 

3. Dandruff

If you experience annoying dandruff, understanding the underlying causes can give you important insights into your health. The first item to examine is your existing shampoo. Harsh chemicals can irritate the scalp, so listen to your body and pay attention when any hair product causes discomfort, pain, itching, or irritation. 

Some people may think dandruff is a sign of washing your hair too much. However, in mild cases, frequent washing can exfoliate scales on your scalp. More severe cases require treatment with a shampoo containing zinc.

As with so many other hair problems, an unbalanced diet that lacks sufficient vitamin B can cause dandruff. Leafy vegetables, eggs, milk, legumes, and sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin B. You should also add foods with healthy oils to your diet.

Dandruff-like flaking can indicate scalp psoriasis. If your dandruff is yellow instead of white, you may have seborrheic dermatitis which requires doctor-prescribed treatment. 

Smiling woman looking at her reflection in the mirror while touching her healthy hair - solving common hair problems.

4. Dryness

Dry hair often indicates a dry scalp, which can lead to dandruff. Aging and the hormonal changes women go through during menopause can also cause dry hair. Environmental conditions like living in a hot, dry climate can contribute to dry hair.

Overwashing, using harsh shampoos that strip your hair of natural oils, and heat damage also contribute to dryness. Shampooing your hair every day is not recommended. Some medications and medical illnesses can cause extremely dry hair. If you’ve ruled out all other possible causes, you may want to talk to a doctor. 

5. Hair Loss

If you notice excessive hair loss in yourself or someone you know, it may indicate a more serious health problem. While we all lose up to hundreds of hairs every day, noticeably abnormal hair loss can be a sign of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia. In some cases, it can be a side effect of certain medications. Hair loss is also associated with iron deficiency, which can easily be treated by modifying your diet or taking iron supplements. Because there are many causes that can contribute to hair loss, it’s best to talk to your doctor. 

6. Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is associated with coronary heart disease. Hair loss, in general, is associated with heart health. People with pattern baldness and other types of hair loss have an increased risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure). A study has also shown that male pattern baldness  is a major risk factor for COVID-19. Coronary heart disease does not, however, cause vertex baldness.

7. Dullness

People usually consider dull hair as a simple cosmetic issue that can be fixed with a salon treatment. Certain medical deficiencies or overexposure to certain elements are common reasons for issues like dull hair. Dullness can result from too much sun or chemical exposure. Doctors also believe that dullness and brittleness may be signs that you’re not absorbing enough protein, phosphorus, sulfur, and selenium. If those vitamins and minerals are missing from your diet, you might also notice an effect on your teeth.

8. Excessive Oiliness

Certain hair types are naturally more oily than others. Natural oils collect at the root of the hair follicle, creating oiliness on the scalp. Some people dislike the damp appearance this gives to their hair. Luckily, there are ways to control overly oily hair, including dry shampoos and techniques like washing your pillowcases regularly.

woman wearing pink lace cami top
Photo by Godisable Jacob on

Overusing hair products, exerting lots of physical energy, and other environmental factors can contribute to oiliness. Surprisingly, so can over-washing your hair. Oiliness is more common in straight hair and can be made worse by certain products. If you’re concerned about excessive oiliness or scalp irritation, contact a dermatologist. 

9. Brittleness

A diet low in protein and vitamins can cause your hair to become dull, dry, and brittle. It can also make your hair fall out. Certain nutrients can make your hair stronger and thicker, especially iron, zinc, vitamin B, and folic acid. A diet rich in fish, nuts, leafy greens, and legumes also help fortify hair. Brittle hair can also be caused by overly treated hair that has been repeatedly colored, bleached, chemically treated, or styled with heated tools. 

10. Bald Patches

If you have bald patches that appear suddenly and only affect a limited area, you may have a form of alopecia called alopecia areata. This skin disorder is believed to be an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks hair follicles. In most cases, lost patches of hair regrow within 12 months or so, but alopecia can result in total baldness in certain people. Contact a doctor if you notice patchy hair loss, loss of eyebrow or eyelash hair, or thinning of your beard or body hair. 

Woman meditating at home and observing Feng Shui practices for better overall well-being.

10 Ways That Feng Shui Can Help Improve Your Health and Your Home

traditional chinese fish shaped decor hanging on street

If you’re searching for harmony, peace, and better health in 2022, there’s no better place to start than with Feng Shui. If you’re not familiar with the Feng Shui, it is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging objects in the environment to promote positive energy and achieve balance. The main idea of Feng Shui is the Taoist belief called “chi,” which is the ever-present life force that inhabits all things. When you practice Feng Shui, your goal is to arrange things in your home to promote harmony, positive energy, and balance in the space where you live.

How Does Feng Shui Promote Good Health? 

Chi is made up of opposing forces called yin and yang. By balancing yin and yang through the arrangement of furniture, decorations, and building layout, Feng Shui draws luck, prosperity, and good health for its users. 

Feng shui promotes good health by:

1. Reducing Allergies.

Feng Shui advises people to do away with clutter. This is the main principle of practicing what is called a “minimalist mindset.” According to practices, clutter only serves to trap negative energy. When it comes to your health, clutter traps dust, mold, and mildew — all items that contribute to allergies, asthma, and other illnesses. 

2. Preventing Accidents.

According to Feng Shui practice, doors should remain unblocked to allow positive energy access into the home. Health professionals also advise the same, because blocked exits can lead to falls, especially during an emergency. 

3. Fostering Calmness.

Flowing water represents refreshment and vitality, and a small water fountain or aerated fish tank will do just that. The sound of flowing water and the serenity of swimming fish helps revitalize a stressed brain. 

4. Cleaning the Air

Potted plants are an excellent opportunity to bring the outdoors into the home, and they’re also a must when it comes to Feng Shui. Healthy plants attract abundance, and they also lower indoor carbon dioxide and pollutants. 

5. Preventing Illness

In Feng Shui, the windows are the eyes of the home, so it’s essential to keep them bright and open to light and air. Keeping clean air flowing through the home helps to eliminate toxins, dust, and germs, while stagnant air promotes illness. 

6. Lifting the Spirit.

Sunlight is preferable when it comes to Feng Shui, but electric lights also serve a purpose. Keeping areas well lit attracts positive energy, but it also brightens the mood and prevents accidents from occurring. 

family making breakfast in the kitchen

7. Maintaining Relationships and Family Ties.

Honoring family and friends is a major part of Chinese custom. Placing photographs and mementos around the home to connect you improves your sense of well-being. 

8. Keeping Germs Away.

Removing your shoes before entering the home is a well-known Asian custom, and Feng Shui also recommends this practice. People often track dirt and germs throughout the home by way of their shoes. Removing footwear keeps potential sources of infection out of your home. 

9. Enhancing Self-Reflection

Mirrors are like water in Feng Shui, taking on the form of whatever container it’s in. Use mirrors to see yourself in a positive light, and place them in areas that reflect the sunshine. 

10. Improving Overall Well-Being

Whether it’s your child’s drawing or a Picasso, hanging artwork that is meaningful to you helps establish good Feng Shui. Enjoying the space you live in means making it your own, and the artwork you choose says a lot about you. 

red and golden asian decorations hanging in local market
Photo by Angela Roma on

Feng Shui for Good Physical and Mental Health 

This ancient Chinese practice improves both your physical and mental well-being. For more tips on how to stay healthy, follow Avidity Medical Design Blog. If you’d like to take a healthcare course, visit Avidity Medical Design Academy. If you are interested in relaxing with scented soaps and candles, visit Avidity Medical Scentations to see our current product offerings.